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Monday, May 15, 2006

Funded Proposal Cash Flow Breakthrough

How A Desperate MLM Nerd From New Jersey ...
Woke Up From An Eight Year "Marketing Coma" ...
And Created Two $1,000,000 Dollar Downlines By Doing
What You're Probably Not!

Called "The Wonder Tool" By John Milton Fogg

Joe Schroeder
1-201-525-3010 (24 hr Tel-a-Seminar)

You don't need another MLM course. What you need is a legitimate and proven system.

You don't need another E-book or yet another batch of leads. You may want them. But you don't need them. What you need is to start using the #1 mechanic behind 98% of all monster-huge downlines.

What you need is the underlying formula that the creators of Funded Proposals use. the reason big-name networkers are selling information and/or leads is for one fundamental reason: To Create Mountains of cash flow and to trap new customers into their sales process.

If whatever you are re-selling doesn't have a dominant income potential, you are playing distributor rather than owner. And the joke is on you.

The MLM company will teach you to lead with their products. Pure propaganda. The money-earners are not leading with the products. Are they!

Did your upline ever sell you on a "team co-op?"
Does your big name upline sell his/her information product?
Does your upline have tools and "systems" to sell you?
Do they have websites and/or a "system" you pay for?
Your upline is not "doing" MLM. They are doing Capitalism!
Cap-i-tal-ism (Kap-i-tl-iz-im) N. 1. An economic system, marked by open competition in a free market, in which the means of production and distribution are privately owned personally or corporately. 1. A political or social system based on capitalism.

Cap-i-tal-ist (kap-i-tl-ist) N. 1. A person who invests capitial in business and one which a major interest in it. 2. A very wealthy person.

Make this mind shift or forever be searching in vein for a mega downline that can feed your family for the rest of your life. here is the million dollar mind-shift:

If the action doesn't bring back an immediate sale or lead, stop the action.
Stop promoting your MLM. Almost no one is interest in buying that from you.
Lead with a hot product that people want. Sell and trade. Buy low and sell high.
Hide your MLM inside what you're selling and back-end 5-20% of the customers into your MLM.
That is the #1 underlying formula for Dale Calvert, Big Al, Robert Blackman, Gerry Carson, Linda Burton, Kim Klaver, Randy Gage, Dexter Yeager, and any other big name you can think of.

Here is why: It's easier to convert happy customers into enrollee's than it is trying to convince total strangers to quit their MLM and join yours.

It's Easier To Create Cash Than a Downline.
That's Why the MLM Elite Do Not Lead With MLM!
Profit Now Magazine Votes Speed Enrollers #1
Chuck Huckaby, Publisher/Editor of Profit Now Magazine.

"Richard Poe's book "Wave III" started the Wave III revolution by explaining this phenomenon so others could duplicate it. Joe's Schroeder's "system" has simply poured gasoline on the fire!"

Upline Magazine Reviews The System
John Milton Fogg also the contributing editor for Success Magazine

"Networkers are adept at adapting new technologies for dollar wise purposes. Joe Schroeder's Quick Link system is one of the best examples of this we've ever seen. The implications of Joe's system is as important to everyone's individual business as it is to you the entire industry!"
John Milton Fogg, Founder of Upline and Networking Lifestyles Magazine.

The Secret is in the Calculator:
The key to any successful direct response venture is that it needs to virtually erase your ad costs. It needs to have enough retail profit to keep the sales force in promotion and cash flow.

It takes months to recruit 10 front line. Yet in contrast, only days to sell enough information products and earn $100 to $500 dollars.
You can use your profits to place more ads and to fund higher levels of exposure through targeted media. Sure beats waiting for your friends to join and get excited!
The Nature of MLM Doesn't Drive Huge Downlines.
Cash Flow and Customers Do!
It's Easier To Turn a Buying Customer into a New Enrollee Than To Try To Convince a Stranger To Join Your Opportunity!
"Poor me, no I never made a penny." Networkers prospect and annoy each other.

Heavy hitters sell generic information and/or a "lead program" to the competition which is not perceived as an infringement of territory, but actually a welcomed relief.

Leads never go out of style in MLM.
Books, tapes and training courses never go out of style in MLM.
99.9% of all Heavy-Hitters lead with sizzling hot retail product. Not MLM.
Fine Point: Those who are naïve lead with their MLM pay plan. Which is certain death. Simply because it puts to much pressure on the program to perform than on the distributors own ability to influence and to retail.

Sell a "pay plan" and you sabotage the very thing are you trying to create. A downline.

Done effectively, front-ending (leading with) how-to courses and/or a lead program erases distributor anxiety about cash flow and also perpetuates an endless thread of money to re-invest into more expanding media marketing campaigns.

Either way, Funded Proposals don't cost you a dime! The answer then, is to break any competitive barriers, by approaching the competition with 100% generic training information and/or a solid lead program which supplies names on labels and email addresses that you can load into your auto-responder mailing system.

Fine Point #2: Ask any social scientist about the value of "commitment and consistency." The law says this, anytime a person has made a commitment to anything, a job, a club, buying a car, anything, they immediately look for similar actions (and purchases) to validate their decision of commitment.

What happens in MLM that destroys it, is uneducated uplines expecting their new recruits to wait too long for any sort of pay-off. This, defusing commitment the new recruit just made.

Physiologically Wrong: When the focus is wrong, and leads with the opportunity, ie, selling the concept of MLM could take months, if not years for the new recruit to gain any sort of real and tangible ay off. Meanwhile, the new guy is desperately looking for an action to validate his original decision to join.

Physiologically Correct: When the focus is right, the focus is about immediate right now actions that have an immediate pay off of cash flow which leads to an elevated excitement abut the program and commitment they made in joining.
Study any exploding MLM and you'll see that exact formula.

Step #1: Get the new enrollee into the market almost immediately.

Step #2: give the new enrollee one central focus, on retailing.

Step #3: Make the game about cash flow through retailing, not MLM.

All three steps satisfies the mind of the new enrollee. Each action of those three validates their original decision to join you. They breed immediate results.

Not only that, but the new enrollee is actually looking for an action to do. Which will prove to them they made the right decision to join you.

After people buy, join or commit to something, they instinctively begin to have internal pressure mentally to behave consistent with what they just decided to align to.

There is nothing better at that point to lead them into action steps immediately, upon joining your MLM, that would propel them in to actions that justify why they just joined your program.

Example #1: Start them retailing your products

Example #2: Now is the best time to get them to write down reasons for joining.

Example #3: Now is the best time to show them your cash flow funded proposal!

Selling the pay doesn't relieve their internal pressure. In fact it hurts them. Because most people they prospect will reject them.

However, if you get them to lead with your products, even if it's jut MLMbigfish products, they will get immediate sales. If not at least leads they can use.

Now you know why 99.9% of all successful downlines take their new people and shove them into some sort of retail paradigm and action steps within 24 hours.

Now you know why.

Here is where the MLM How-to Course Equation Fits In:

Add-On's and Upgrades Are Offered
At The Original Point of Sale. Here is Why:
Service Warranties: They are sold at the time of sale. Why? Because the human mind is looking for actions they can perform that will be consistent with their decision to buy.

Car Dealerships: If you know this law of man's dependence on consistency and commitment and you owned a car dealership, when would be the best time to up-sell car buyers into service contracts, under-coating and a dozen other back-ends?

That's right, immediately!

With the MLMbigfish program and Speed Enrollers people are up and promoting and can be capturing leads the same day they buy the $197 Speed course.

You are vested to start earning commissions the second you order.

We don't use the Funded proposal law because it's cute or to get rich. It's simply law. It's actually the path of least resistance.

It breeds and immediate action that new people can begin day #1.
It has the mathematical potential to erase their anxiety through positive cash flow.
It creates immediate leads if not buying customers to back-end into your MLM.
It's logical. Because it's based on fundamental business principles.
Just Ask Your Parents
At the dinner table Dad and Mom always talked about:

It takes money to make money.
You need to sell a tangible (something you can touch and use) product.
Pyramids don't work. Concept selling is for con-men and hypsters.
It's ethical to enroll a distributor who first was sold the products.
It's conceptual with any other form of marketing. Any.
You were always taught that it's good to buy low and sell high.
You were taught that there is honer in hard work.
There is honor in anything legitimate that you can re-sell at a higher value.
You were taught to "do better" than your parents financially.
Don't reinvent the wheel. It if works, use it and do the same thing.
The masses (do) understand the funded proposal system.

They do not understand BV's and "downlines" and MLM in general.

However, if to become a distributor, in order to be able to re-sell your products means they have to commit to an MLM distributorship, that they understand.

Just ask anyone from Nu-Skin, Nu-Creations, ForMor, Hearbal Life or any other program that leads with the products and back-ends the opportunity.

Here's the bottom line:

You need something intelligent on-line to re-sell. Enter,

You also need something offline. An offline system. We have that too.

Ad slicks and 8X11 letters and post-cards available.

You need something that pays big commissions. To erase your ad costs.

Which would you rather do. Market to earn $25 or market to earn $90?

You need leads. Enter, Gathering leads is exactly our mission.

You need a bridge between your program and your future customers.

Sell your companies products off-line and MLMbigfish online. For example.

For people who don't join your MLM, you can show them this and still make money! That way, you are fully leveraged whether they join your MLM or not.
And that's the ultimate key. To be in a profitable sales process and to have the profits abound regardless of how many gravitate to your MLM.

Which relates to cash flow. Show everyone how to remain in cash flow, show them an intelligent fun "lead" program and you have remained consistent with your original intent. when you asked them to work with you. You showed them how to make money!


Now, here is what is included with your $197 Speed Enrollers package:

Free Chaos to Cash course. Normally sells for $14.95. (can be ordered alone)
Chaos is included comes with two (2) audio tapes and booklet and report.
Only Speed Buyers have the rights to re-sell chaos to cash. (pays $10.)
Six audio tapes.
112 page manual.

Free Affiliate site at
Track your orders in real time and watch your income grow!
You could wait and not order Speed Enroller's today. If you would rather mouse around with Chaos to Cash first, by all means do. However, remember to re-sell our products you must be a Speed Enrollers buyer first.